During a routine check-up, your pet will undergo a complete and thorough physical examination, in which all general body systems will be checked.  It is advisable that during initial puppy exams and routine annual examinations, your pet should also undergo routine stool /fecal examinations to check for common parasites.  The Veterinarian will also discuss with owners, about appropriate heartworm preventative healthcare. 


A routine check-up examination is always recommended if your dog or cat is exhibiting any one, or some of the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and or thirst, coughing, sneezing, significant scratching, and or significant weight loss.


Puppies and kittens should be brought in for their very first check-up examination starting at 6-8 weeks of age.  It is at that time, their vaccinations should begin. It is important to keep in mind that both puppies and kittens will receive their vaccination/shots more than once during the first year of life.  Pediatric vaccinations should be repeated at every 3-4 week intervals until the puppy or kitten is 14 to 16 weeks of age.  It is before this age where they are most vulnerable, as the immune system has not reached proper maturity.  After all their pediatric vaccinations have been complete, then it is recommended to bring your pets in once a year for their annual check-up’s, and vaccinations. 


Visit us at:


8423 Flatlands Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11236



(718) 444-8798 for inquiries and or to schedule an appointment.



Office Hours

Winter 2024 hours



10:00 AM to 6:00 PM


WED: Call For Hours



10:00 AM to 3:00 PM



CLOSED Mon February 26



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